Plus, I know more than a few nurses and physicians over the years that maintain the same sentiment for this remarkable show.
If I remain an ardent fan of a single television medical series, it was for the landmark TV medical program, St. Just about every medical program on television or cable I’ve grown weary of, unfortunately. Sorry, but I had to get that off of my chest. Mark Greene to, brain cancer and heartbreak can do that, constituted a form of cruel and unusual punishment. One of the reasons, at a later point, I just stopped watching. Let the record show I believe the overlong and tortuous path ER producers subjected Dr. In the end, I tend to move on before the show completes its run. However, I eventually tire of some scenarios that are oft-repeated, or twisted back on to themselves, in this category.

I still fondly remember ER (before all the original cast left) and Chicago Hope (before the show lost its mind). This was where medical comedy/drama shows like Medical Center, MASH, even City of Angels, became ingrained in my psyche.

I sat right there with her, too…mind you, I didn’t have a choice. I come from a long line of folk who’ve gotten sucked down into the vortex of diagnosis drama for their viewing pleasure. My grandmother never missed a Ben Casey or Dr. I’m no different when it comes down to one my favorite genres. It’s proven to contain ample character and story fodder for writers and producers to mine for people’s musing and entertainment. Besides cop and court room dramas, nothing else has been a television staple like the medical series. Some of my friends are pretty damn fervid - a great word by the way, “… so rarely have an opportunity to use it in a sentence.” - about the Grey’s Anatomy TV series. Reprise – Friday Forgotten Song: Theme From “St. Elsewhere”